Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Basic Bacteriology

Please answer if these statements are true or false regarding Pseudomonas aeruginosa:

1)      Pseudomonas aeruginosa can infect plants as well as humans?

2)      P. aeruginosa is motile by several peri-trichous flagellae?

3)      Growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa always requires the presence of oxygen?

4)      When found in cystic fibrosis patients, it usually produces exopolysaccheride?

5)      It has complex nutritional requirements?

6)      It can often grow at 42 degrees C?

7)      The pyoverdin pigment is thought to contain virulence factors?

8)      It is unable to ferment lactose?

9)      It’s inherent antibiotic resistance are due to its’ environmental origins?

10)     It produces both Elastase and Alkaline Protease?


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