I am quite far to the left on the introversion/extroversion scale.
And maybe that is why I am a microbiologist…
I have always been a bit of a loner, a dreamer, a wanderer, and most days I need and crave a lot of time by myself. I guess I am a little anti-social, and much prefer talking to people one on one, as opposed to being part of a group conversation.
On occasion my introversion borders on misanthropism, but don’t take it personally. Such feelings never last long.
I hate the idea of networking with strangers at conferences. That is anathema to me! On the contrary I thrive on the amount of time I can get to myself during conference leave. Maybe that is why I am attracted to large “anonymous” conferences such as ECCMID, where I can disappear unknown into the crowd…
You can get away with being an introvert as a microbiologist, regardless of whether you are a scientist, a technician or a clinical microbiologist. Our jobs mean we do not necessarily need to be face to face with other people for large parts of the day. Obviously you need to be able to communicate, but there must be a lot of other professions where a degree of extroversion would be more useful than in microbiology…
I don’t think I am the only microbiologist that is introverted. I look at my colleagues and I can see similar characteristics in many of them, just maybe not to the same extent as myself. It reassures me that I am not the only one!
Sometimes I can override my tendency towards introversion. My desire to have my opinion heard can often conquer my natural reluctance to speak out, particularly when I am in familiar company. I am also not afraid to take risks and try new things out in the microbiology laboratory. My low boredom threshold and innate need for change often overrule the introvert’s need for a “quiet life”. An introvert is not the same thing as a luddite.
However my displays of extroversion are often forced, and short lived in nature. I always end up veering back towards introversion.
So I embrace my introvert personality. I am supremely confident in my ability to be a competent and influential microbiologist in spite of my introvert tendencies.
I might be quiet, but underestimate me at your peril…